
Be mindful of the labels that you place on yourself.

  Too much identity and added labels will push you away from the truth of impermanence.   Yung Pueblo  Labels and titles intrigue me only because I learnt a long time ago that words and thoughts have power to manifest into reality so I am mindful to put myself into a box especially with unconscious speech. Since I started paying attention to the labels and titles I put on myself I have seen a shift in how I show up in the world, I am speaking here about the simple day to day ways we put ourselves into a box, a corner, a category. I cannot do this I am.... add in the label, the description - there is a popular saying that what follows I am comes into reality - newsflash - its true! I always do this at this time  I never do this These are the labels I am referring to. Simply put when we do this we leave very little room to maneuver, to shift, to change, to learn, to grow Be mindful of the labels that you place on yourself. Everything is feeling, temporary and can change.   Peace and Bles

The work is figuring yourself out

  The work is figuring yourself out. It’s looking back at the feelings underneath and the belief systems that we have about ourselves that make us make certain choices and create certain patterns in our life. Jennifer Lopez Growing up in the Catholic Church I interpreted that doing the "right" thing and praying meant that I would have no problems in life. Follow the formula, be a good person, pray and confess. Well, was I  in for a shocker. In this experience, called life, there will be unexpected moments, lessons, challenges, ups and downs that no matter how much goodness I pour into the world there will be experiences that come to teach you, to show you, to make you grow. This is how we grow.  Humans are creatures of habits, what we do repeatedly become our lives, good or not so good. If we are not paying attention, life gives us some nudges to bring us back to center. Those nudges can become great lessons, markers and growth spurts if we pay attention. If we ignore the nu

We are wired for grace, healing and joy.

  We are wired for grace, healing and joy. It's part of our sacred anatomy - Carolyn Myss  I've been waking up with more joy in the mornings. This joy is based solely on the respect I now have for myself For myself to be aware of how much I have grown, forgiven, accepted, surrendered, admit the mistakes I made, loved. All of that has shown me that this experience called life is a process and I now know that I have the power to respond, to choose. The recognition of the preciousness within ourselves and of others is now something I do not take for granted.  The recognition of our worth, our inherent, irremovable worth is now something I believe in, I have added it on my phone the simple statement "I am worthy" "we are worthy" to support me as  I move through every day. Peace and Blessings Akosua's Books Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here? Now What? The Flipside What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love Find Akosua on Website Y

Pay Attention to the Voices in Your Head

Who are you listening to in your head? Carolyn Myss  Which voice is loudest in your head? Do you even know? Do you even care? Is it the voice of reason?  Is it the voice of doubt? Is it the voice of the divine? Is it the voice of the the Holy Spirit? Is it the voice of the society? Is it the voice of your parents, your friends, your  loved ones? Is there even a voice at all? There are so many voices competing for our attention.  The voice that you pay attention to makes a difference because when you make a choice it is an act of creation. If your choices are stepped in doubt then you create a choice in doubt. If you choose based on the voice of the divine, you will be divinely guided making a choice from that space. Pat attention to the voice that you listen to Pay attention to the choices you make from those voices because those choices over and over create your life. The voices in your head ought not to push you to make choices and create a life that is chaotic, fearful and without

Humility. Integrity. Simplicity

  Humility. Integrity. Simplicity Dr Wanjiru Kamau  A friend sent me a You Tube Video of Dr Kamau. She was being interviewed about feminism and modernity in Kenya. Her words caught me. I usually scroll through the videos, if its more than 5 minutes, I am ready to roll.  Confessions - I have indeed been sucked into the instant generation that watch short videos and clips. Get to the point and fast! The interview was almost an hour long. Oh dear! I started looking at it and just as I was about ready to scroll and roll, Dr Kamau started talking about how we view ourselves determine not only how we show up in the world but also how we make decisions. She talked about being careful how we swallow beliefs and concepts that are not of us and for us. She talked about knowing fully and fundamentally who we are without comparing ourselves to others for the sake of fitting in. She talked about knowing our history and learning to balance the old and the modern. There are so many decisions in my l

Face it or Avoid It - Which one are you?

  Avoiding conflict might seem like a good solution in the moment, but it can create more issues down the road . Nawal Mustapha  Dealing  with stress and conflict has been a couple of areas that I know that I have to improve on.  My "dealing" involves either shutting down, avoiding or just keeping the peace. This is not a sustainable method of "dealing". I have learnt that shutting down and  avoidance to keep the peace leads to resistance and resentment because I am not being true to myself. The challenge will remain and return. Once we know how we truly deal with stress and conflict then and only then we can make amends or fully handle the situation. It takes a level of self awareness, courage and practice to move through life situations that cause stress. There are times when we choose our battles and there are times we face them, knowing what our tendencies are helps us navigate better on the journey Peace and Blessings Akosua's Books Nyabo (Madam) Why Are Yo

Dear October

  Can I say how inspired I am by all the people tending to this hurting world, all the people making their own corners of it brighter, all the people doing work no one will ever see, work they might never get credit for, all the people praying and working and softening and questioning and organizing and unlearning and learning and witnessing and listening and trying? Lisa Olivera   Back in the day, I gave extra meaning and responsibility to the month of October. Something about being in the "last quarter of the year" Perhaps it is a throw back from the days when I was a practising accountant. Each quarter was assigned a meaning for making forecasts and  comparing those forecasts with reality. The last quarter was an opportunity for a huge effort and push to achieve the year's  goals, also a time where I would notice that the days would become shorter, leaves would start falling off trees and it seemed like nature was also doing something different. Since I have left the