Call me Humble by this definition

When you know of a thing, all that you know is locked in place in your mind . Mama Bello I was listening to Carolyn Myss talk about power. Her perspective was that there is so much power in humility, and humble is not being poor and not having a place. I listened to how she described a humble person and it literally brought tears to my eyes and want to live a life of humility. Call me humble because this is my standard to now live by The most protected person in the world is also the most humble, and humility makes someone nearly impervious to the tricks of darkness. Why is that? Because a humble person desires nothing that doesn't rightfully belong to them. They are untempted by fleeting, material possessions, and their sense of worth isn't rooted in insecurity. In fact, humility and insecurity cannot coexist. A humble person has no fear of judgment and understands their own boundaries—they know what they don't want or need. They aren't dependent on external validat...