
Showing posts from March, 2025

Call me Humble by this definition

  When you know of a thing, all that you know is locked in place in your mind . Mama Bello I was listening to Carolyn Myss talk about power. Her perspective was that there is so much power in humility, and humble is not being poor and not having a place. I listened to how she described a humble person and it literally brought tears to my eyes and want to live a life of humility. Call me humble because this is my standard to now live by  The most protected person in the world is also the most humble, and humility makes someone nearly impervious to the tricks of darkness. Why is that? Because a humble person desires nothing that doesn't rightfully belong to them. They are untempted by fleeting, material possessions, and their sense of worth isn't rooted in insecurity. In fact, humility and insecurity cannot coexist. A humble person has no fear of judgment and understands their own boundaries—they know what they don't want or need. They aren't dependent on external validat...

From Revelry to Reflection: How a Silent Retreat Changed My Perspective

  By entering into the silence, acknowledging divine substance, affirming his faith in and oneness with it, man becomes conscious of substance .Law of Metaphysics  Every year, like clockwork, the streets of Trinidad and Tobago come alive with the pulsating rhythms of soca, the vibrant colors of costumes, and the infectious energy of Carnival. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a part of this celebration, losing myself in the music, the laughter, and the sheer joy of it all. But this year, I decided to do something radically different. Instead of joining the revelry, I chose silence. No music, no phone, no distractions—just me and my thoughts for two whole days. What I discovered was both challenging and transformative. I’ll admit, the decision didn’t come easily. Carnival is more than just a festival; ever since I have known myself, Carnival has been a part of my life, whether it was playing mas, going to fetes, joining in the Panorama.  Two years ago I took a trip...

Journey to Worthiness

This is one of the most profound lessons that I have learnt from reading A Course in Miracles. My intention is to embody and remember this for the month of March and beyond Let's go! Come Journey with me.   There is a deep responsibility you owe yourself, and one you must learn to remember all the time. ²The lesson may seem hard at first, but you will learn to love it when you realize that it is true and is but a tribute to your power. You who have sought and found littleness, remember this: Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, and represents the value that you put upon yourself. Believe the little can content you, and by limiting yourself you will not be satisfied. For your function is not little, and it is only by finding your function and fulfilling it that you can escape from littleness.  Work with Akosua as your dedicated accountability partner to move forward with confidence. (Sign up Below)  Embrace Your Journey of Transformation with Akosua D...