
Showing posts from January, 2025

The Transformative Power of Humility

  Having the humility to admit there is room for improvement and to act on that with self-development is one of the most beautiful aspects of character that a human being can have . Yung Pueblo  We've all been there—holding on to a belief or standing firm in an argument, only to later realize we were wrong. Admitting it can be tough, but it's one of the most liberating things we can do.  This is where humility comes in, it keeps us grounded and growing. Contrary to what many might think, admitting you're wrong doesn't make you weak. In fact, it takes a great deal of strength and courage to openly acknowledge a mistake. This act of vulnerability can lead to greater self-awareness and open the door to personal development. When we recognize and own up to our errors, we're more likely to learn from them and avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. Self-reflection is key to self-improvement. By admitting our mistakes, we create opportunities for growth and learn...

Is It Fear of Confrontation or the Illusion of Kindness?

But in 2025, let’s take a different path—one rooted in humility, courage, and the transformative power of doing our emotional and healing work. Don’t cheat or betray yourself by taking what feels like the easy way out. Dr Robin Smith Confessions on the journey -the mere thought of addressing uncomfortable truths feels like torture, it scares me to no end. It’s easier to stay quiet, to let things slide, to avoid rocking the boat. I tell myself  that silence is the kinder path—that it spares feelings, prevents conflict, and maintains peace. But is that really true? Or am I  simply convincing ourselves of a narrative that avoids the discomfort of honesty?  On the surface, staying quiet may seem like an act of compassion. After all, why bring up an issue if it’s only going to hurt someone? But beneath this veneer of kindness often lies fear: fear of confrontation, fear of being disliked, fear of making a situation worse. In the moment, silence feels safer. It allows us ...

This is not a "giving up" Surrender

  My life feels more peaceful, more dignified, more lovely than ever before.  Elizabeth Gilbert  I had this belief that once I do everything "right" that life would be kind to me, no problems, no stress. Do it right and pray. Of course, life demonstrated otherwise.  It took me a minute to understand that life's events are not personal. its universal and intimate. Everyone will encounter experiences that challenge them to grow, to learn, to accept, to surrender. No one is exempt from the experiences of life. What we can do however is have the willingness to accept that life will throw us some curve balls and be prepared to face them with courage. We can remember to tell the truth, first to ourselves We can remember to take responsibility for our actions and for remembering that we are built for life. The moment we forget, deny, doubt we get into all sorts of trouble. The  peace comes from the surrender - and this is not a "giving up" surrender, its an uncondition...

Resisting and Its Impact

  Resisting manifests in many forms including a tendency to reject, refuse, insult, separate, push away, or remove ourselves from a situation. Resisting leads to estrangement, animosity, dread, and fearfulness. Resisting is the underlying cause of anger, hatred and violence. R    Resistance is not always obvious. It can appear as a simple act of rejection—saying "no" to a proposal or refusing to engage with an idea. At other times, it takes the form of anger or hostility, expressed through insults, pushing others away, or cutting ties entirely. Whether it’s separating ourselves from uncomfortable conversations, avoiding accountability, or rejecting differing viewpoints, resistance often masks itself as self-preservation.        On a deeper level, resistance can emerge from fear—fear of the unknown, fear of change, or fear of vulnerability. These fears manifest in behaviors that isolate us from others and reinforce our biases. We push away what we don’t...

Feeding My Spirit Rather Than My Fear

  I will feed my spirit rather than my fear s - Sonia Choquette  I have been paying more and more attention  when fear  takes center stage, dictating my choices and actions.  The revelations demonstrated that sometimes fear is my default ,sometimes because of social conditioning and sometimes because I make up stories in my head that say I cannot or ought not to do, act or receive. Fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, fear of losing has been a running tape in the back of my mind, I must admit that I have a very long way in being more self aware about these fears, for which I am grateful.  Understanding how fear influences our decisions is the first step toward breaking free from its grip. It's important to recognize the ways in which fear can manifest, whether it's fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown. Our spirit, on the other hand, represents our inner strength, passions, and true desires. By nurturing our spirit, we can align our actions with our...

How the Obsession with Feeling Good Can Lead to a Life out of Balance

  This undeniable truth of change reveals that the attachment to always trying to feel good is something that will cause inner tension. The craving to feel pleasant makes you have a strong preference for some emotions over others. It makes you seek solutions and quick fixes that can help you experience a smaller range of emotions than what is normal. We welcome and try to hold onto the pleasant and we strive to fight away the unpleasant. Yung Pueblo I have been noticing trends on social media and even in chatting with some of my friends there is a tendency to bypass tough emotions and to focus on always being happy and positive. The quest for happiness often feels like a never-ending journey. We're bombarded with messages that suggest we should always strive to feel good, be happy, and avoid negative emotions at all costs. But what if this relentless pursuit of happiness is actually leading to more suffering? Focusing on being happy all the time at the expense of feeling and deali...

Navigating Life’s Ocean: Embracing the Universal Journey

  Find freedom in uncertainty. Be receptive and responsive instead of predictive and protective. Sister Corita Kent  Have you ever felt like you're alone on a boat in the middle of the ocean, tossed and turned by the waves of life's challenges?  I have learned that it's a  more common feeling than I realized,   It's a universal experience that binds us all together in our shared humanity. When we are in the space of transformation, it sometimes feels like being out on the ocean, the ground beneath us is no longer solid. Life’s experiences, no matter how personal they may seem, are often universal in nature. The struggles, triumphs, joys, and sorrows we face are part of the human condition. We all go through periods of uncertainty, moments of self-doubt, and times when we feel lost. It's as if we are all navigating the same vast ocean, each in our own little boats, yet on a collective journey. This is where the importance of faith in something higher comes ...

The Power of Authentic Living

Authenticity invites us to explore who we really are. It encourages us to engage in practices that foster self-awareness, from journaling to meditative reflection. As we get to know ourselves on a deeper level, we gain clarity about what truly matters to us—whether it’s a career path, friendships, or personal values. With this clarity, we make decisions that align with our true selves rather than living according to someone else’s script.  In January, the intention I have set for myself is to show up in Authenticity. And what does that mean or what does that look like? To show up in authenticity means to be fully present, wholly , holy and true  in any given moment or situation. It involves letting go of any pretense, masks, or personas you might feel pressured to put on, and instead, embracing who you truly are—your thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs—without fear of judgment or rejection. Now as a recovering people pleaser, showing up authentically is a process, a p...

Entering 2025: Goals, Objectives, and the Beauty of Surprises

      No one welcomes a chaotic surprise, but they happen now more than ever. For all the external resources we can amass to make us think we are safe and protected from harm in this world, none are as powerful, reliable, and truly effective as trusting our own guidance, knowing how to make a clear decision, and following through with it, and being able to confront the fears and illusions in our life. Carolyn Myss   It's the first day of 2025, I usually feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. The start of a new year often brings with it a sense of renewal and the opportunity to set fresh goals and objectives.  I make it a ritual to have a hearty wonderful breakfast, somewhere beautiful where I can sit in a tranquil environment to decide how I want to live and feel in the upcoming year.  As I sit down to set my sights on the future, it's important to remember that life has a way of surprising us. Unexpected events, both big and small, can alter  p...