Reclaiming Self-Worth where the world values us for what we can DO

What happens to our sense of self when we’re only valued for what we can produce? What happens to our sense of self when our value is tied solely to what we can do, rather than who we are? For me, it started at a young age, rewarded for doing my homework, scolded for playing too much. Having to hide to play with my imaginary friend who I named Penelope. As I grew up homework turned into good grades, steady job, being a productive person, not being lazy - the bottom line was in the proving that I was doing and what I did could be validated, that it was good, that it brought no shame on Self and family. What seemed acceptable to the society that could be measured and valued. These are the markers of a "valuable" person in this society that we now live. When our value is reduced to a checklist of tasks, our souls begin to wither, imagination is placed on the back burner . This is the silent crisis of modern life—a crisis that erodes our self-worth, distorts our iden...