
Showing posts from February, 2025

Reclaiming Self-Worth where the world values us for what we can DO

  What happens to our sense of self when we’re only valued for what we can produce? What happens to our sense of self when our value is tied solely to what we can do, rather than who we are?  For me, it started at a young age, rewarded for doing my homework, scolded for playing too much. Having to hide to play with my imaginary friend who I named Penelope.  As I grew up homework turned into good grades, steady job, being a productive person, not being lazy - the bottom line was in the proving that I was doing and what I did could be validated, that it was good, that it brought no shame on Self and family. What seemed acceptable to the society that could be measured and valued. These are the markers of a "valuable" person in this society that we now live. When our value is reduced to a checklist of tasks, our souls begin to wither, imagination is placed on the back burner . This is the silent crisis of modern life—a crisis that erodes our self-worth, distorts our iden...

We Carry Our Constraints in Our Bodies

  We carry our constraints in our bodies — the shoulds, the what-ifs, half-truths, and watered-down desires. But the body remembers —EVERYTHING. How to expand. How to reach. How to take up space. Stacey Herrera  This quote stopped me in my tracks. It’s a reminder of how often we shrink ourselves, how we internalize the weight of expectations, doubts, and fears until they become part of us. These constraints live in our bodies — in the tension in our shoulders, the shallow breaths we take, the way we fold ourselves smaller to fit into spaces that were never meant to contain us. We carry the shoulds: the voices that tell us who we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to want, how we’re supposed to show up in the world. We carry the what-ifs: the paralyzing fear of failure, of judgment, of not being enough. We carry the half-truths: the stories we tell ourselves about our limitations, our worth, our potential. And we carry the watered-down desires: the dreams we’ve muted becaus...

Living with the Intention of Non-Attachment to Outcomes

This or something Better is my praye r - Michael B Beckwith    We live in a world that constantly tells us to set goals, make plans, and strive for specific outcomes. While ambition and effort are valuable, an excessive attachment to results can often lead to stress, disappointment, and self-doubt. Instead of fixating on a single outcome, what if we focused on the journey itself? What if we embraced the idea of doing our best and allowing the rest to unfold as it will? Today as I sat to set my intention for the day, I thought about living today without attachment to any specific outcome, to only focus on doing the work to the best of my ability and leaving the rest. There have been so many situations where I was SURE about how something would have unfolded, then there were times when I placed every part of my being in receiving a specific result and things happening a certain way. When it did not happen, I was devastated - imagine that I was even devastated when the situation ...

Knowing Your Power Also Means Knowing Your Boundaries

we forget that growth starts long before it’s visible. Growth starts underground. At the root system. And “all of a sudden” happens after months of invisible work, deep rest, and contemplation . Dr Robin   In a world that often celebrates saying “yes” to every opportunity, there’s an underestimated power in knowing when to say “no.” True empowerment doesn’t come from pleasing everyone or overextending ourselves; it comes from understanding our boundaries and honoring them unapologetically. Power isn’t just about influence or authority. It’s about having the clarity and courage to define what you will and will not tolerate. It’s about safeguarding your mental and emotional well-being. When you know your boundaries, you reclaim your time, energy, and self-respect. The Cost of Ignoring Boundaries When we constantly say “yes” out of obligation or fear of disappointing others, we slowly chip away at our own strength. We become overwhelmed, exhausted, and sometimes even re...

The Magnificence of the Full Moon: A Reminder to Be Present

  Let ordinary move you. Let ordinary pull you in as much as the big, booming things. Thoroughly enjoy a green olive. Two green lights in a row. A living room dance party. A good view of the moon. And maybe let yourself be boring sometimes. Let ordinary remind you of what really matters. Danielle La Porte  This morning, as I walked to the boxing gym, earplugs in, lost in the rhythm of my  soca classics playlist, I looked up, and there it was—the most magnificent full moon, hanging in the sky like a luminous masterpiece. It was so breathtaking, so awe-inspiring, that I literally screamed in delight. The moon wasn’t just lighting up the sky; it was lighting up *me*. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of connection—to the universe, to myself, and to the beauty of simply being alive. The full moon has always held a special significance across cultures and time. It’s a symbol of completion, clarity, and illumination. But this morning, it wasn’t just a celestial event...

Life’s Only Certainty: Change, Death, and the Flow in Between

  The next time change feels uncomfortable, ask yourself: Am I resisting because I’m afraid, or because I’m attached to what was? Awareness is the first step. Life is full of uncertainties, but two things are guaranteed—change and death. Everything else is fluid, unpredictable, and fleeting. For a long time, I resisted this truth. I held on tightly to people, places, and phases of life, wishing things could stay just as they were. But life doesn’t work that way. The more we resist change, the more we suffer. The moment we learn to surrender and flow with it, we find peace. We like to believe we have control over our lives, but the reality is, we don’t—not in the way we think. We can set goals, make plans, and try to shape our future, but life has its own rhythm. Unexpected events happen, people come and go, and even we, ourselves, change in ways we never anticipated.  The truth is, control is an illusion. The tighter we grip, the more we struggle. But when we release that grip...

Whatever You Have, the Most High Can Use

  The Most High is coming through you Michael Beckwith  I n a world that often measures worth by grand achievements, shiny accolades, and visible impact, it’s easy to feel like what we have to offer is insignificant. Maybe it’s a talent that feels too small, a dream that seems too far-fetched, or even a thought that feels too simple. We look at ourselves and think, *“This? This is nothing.”* But here’s the truth: whatever you have, the Most High can use.   You see, the value of what we hold isn’t determined by how it looks in our hands but by what it becomes in the hands of the Divine. That idea you’ve been dismissing as too ordinary? It could be the seed of something extraordinary. That skill you think is too basic? It could be the very thing someone else needs. That quiet thought you’ve been carrying in your heart? It could be the answer to a prayer you didn’t even know was being whispered.   The key lies in how we see what we’ve been given. It’s not abo...

Life’s Tests Are Not a Sign of Abandonment—They’re a Call to Rise

  Don't be discouraged when you are being tested. Don't register when you are being tested that there is something "wrong" or that you are being abandoned. Now its time to step it up, to act like you kno w Rev Deborah Johnson  Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect them. Whether it’s a sudden setback, a challenging relationship, a career hurdle, or an internal struggle, these moments can feel like tests. And in those moments, it’s easy to feel discouraged, to wonder if we’ve done something wrong, or even to feel as though we’ve been abandoned by the universe, God, or whatever higher power we believe in. But what if these tests aren’t a sign of abandonment? What if they’re actually an invitation to step up, to grow, and to prove to ourselves just how capable we are? The Misconception of Abandonment When life gets tough, it’s natural to feel alone. We might ask ourselves, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why does it feel like I’m being left to figu...

Journey to Gratitude: Why Settling Isn’t the Same as Being Grateful

  Practice gratitude. Practice it daily. Name and give thanks for the blessings that hold up your life, the blessings you receive, the blessings you offer your world. Hiro Boga   The Illusion of Settling Have you ever convinced yourself that settling was gratitude? I have. There was a time in my life when I stayed in a job that drained me, telling myself, “I should be grateful to even have a job.” I called it gratitude, but deep down, I knew I was just settling. I was making something work because I was too afraid to admit it wasn’t what I wanted. Same with relationships, I stayed in the thorns and called it roses - I was thankful to have a relationship. Gratitude is not about resignation or forcing yourself to be okay with less than you deserve. It’s not about plastering a smile on your face and pretending everything is fine when it’s not. True gratitude is a devotion—a courageous, intentional practice that requires us to dig deeper, to know ourselves, and to embrace both the...