We Carry Our Constraints in Our Bodies

 We carry our constraints in our bodies — the shoulds, the what-ifs, half-truths, and watered-down desires. But the body remembers —EVERYTHING. How to expand. How to reach. How to take up space. Stacey Herrera 

This quote stopped me in my tracks. It’s a reminder of how often we shrink ourselves, how we internalize the weight of expectations, doubts, and fears until they become part of us. These constraints live in our bodies — in the tension in our shoulders, the shallow breaths we take, the way we fold ourselves smaller to fit into spaces that were never meant to contain us.

We carry the shoulds: the voices that tell us who we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to want, how we’re supposed to show up in the world. We carry the what-ifs: the paralyzing fear of failure, of judgment, of not being enough. We carry the half-truths: the stories we tell ourselves about our limitations, our worth, our potential. And we carry the watered-down desires: the dreams we’ve muted because they felt too big, too bold, too impossible.

But here’s the thing: our bodies remember.

They remember what it feels like to expand — to breathe deeply, to stand tall, to fill the space we were meant to occupy. They remember how to reach — for the stars, for our dreams, for the life we truly want. They remember how to take up space — unapologetically, boldly, authentically.

Our bodies are not just vessels for our constraints; they are also archives of our power. Every time we’ve laughed until our sides hurt, danced like no one was watching, or stood firm in our truth, our bodies have stored those moments. They remind us that we are capable of more than we often allow ourselves to believe.

So how do we begin to shed the constraints and reclaim that innate ability to expand, reach, and take up space?

Listen to Your Body

Start by tuning in. Notice where you hold tension, where you feel small, where you’ve learned to fold yourself in. Then, ask yourself: What would it feel like to release that? To stand a little taller, breathe a little deeper, take up a little more space?

Challenge the Shoulds

Where are you living by someone else’s rules? What would happen if you replaced “I should” with “I want” or “I choose”? Give yourself permission to want what you want, unapologetically.

Reconnect with Your Desires

What dreams have you watered down or tucked away? What would it look like to let them grow wild again? Start small. Take one step toward something that lights you up.

Practice Taking Up Space

Literally. Stand with your feet firmly planted. Stretch your arms wide. Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel.

Our bodies are wise. They remember who we are beneath the layers of doubt and fear. They remember how to expand, how to reach, how to take up space. The question is: Are we ready to remember too?

Let’s start today. Let’s shed the constraints, reclaim our power, and step into the fullness of who we are. Because the world needs us — not the small, watered-down versions of ourselves, but the bold, expansive, unapologetic versions.

The body remembers. And so do we. 

Peace and Blessings

Work with Akosua as your dedicated accountability partner to move forward with confidence. (Sign up Below) 


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