
Showing posts from March, 2022

Top 5 Lessons on the Journey to Intuition

  Busy-ness can be a band-aid. As the close of the Journey to Intuition approaches, gentle reminder to self of the Top 5 Lessons Learnt: 1. Do not rationalize the whisper, don't bother to looking for facts, external validation, or what is "realistic", that is just not how the voice of the Divine works. 2. I may not in the moment think or believe I know how to do "it", but something inside of me does! 3. If you really pay attention to life, you will ALWAYS get the signs. Pay attention. Paying attention can be hard when we love distractions and busyness. 4. Being physically toxic interferes with the voice of intuition. Eat well, move your body, exercise, be mindful of how you treat yourself. 5. Self is the keeper, the "knower" of your divine guidance and the promotor of revelations.

Making Choices from a Place of Balance

  We make the best decisions when we approach the decision-making process from a balanced emotional and intellectual foundation. When we have achieved equilibrium in our hearts and in our minds, we can clearly see both sides of an issue or alternative . Daily OM We make a choice, there is a consequence. It works like clockwork. Many times the consequences for the choices that we make are not immediate and so we believe that there are none. What are consequences?  a result or effect of an action. Many times associated with it being unwelcome or unpleasant. For example, if we neglect our health as a choice, the immediate consequence may not be felt, over time though, it catches up with us and the consequences include aches, pains, poor health and so on. What I have learnt is when making a choice from a place of imbalance, the consequences hot harder. Put it all on the choice pot, the emotions, the facts, the feelings, the discernment, the divine guidance and most importantly the...

Your Best Teachers Challenge You

  Some of the biggest energy shifts come as a result of the people who challenge you the most. They’re some of the best teachers. Sole When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This goes beyond only pleasant situations. There are times that so called "difficult people" or difficult situations pop up in our lives. What I have learnt is situations and people show up in our lives as teachers and lessons, as opportunities, as growth. What I have also learnt is our perception of these difficult situations plays a huge part in how we respond to them. When we view ourselves as a victim, this is the start of being in victim mode. Being in victim mode gives away your power. It also tends to us avoiding and denying the feelings associated with the situation. When we view the situation as one which to blame others, the lessons and blessings are also missed. Top Five Lessons on Going through Challenging Situations with Challenging People 1. Never take any of it personally 2. K...

What is Your Picture of the World?

  Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within. ACIM What is your view of the world? How are you looking and processing what is happening with the Corona, the war, the climate? How you view the world is what is within you. Use  the information you receive from listening and reviewing yourself as feedback, rather than hating what comes up, judging yourself, denying your feelings; get curious, interrogate the feelings and use it for your own self. This is not to negate what is going on, it is what it is! We must recognise what is going on and choose what do we do?, how do we respond? how do we feel? This comes directly from within. Everything is useful! Peace

Trust starts with Trusting Yourself

Today is a new day, treat it as such . Valencia   7 years ago, on March 14th "What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey To Unconditional Self Love" came into the world. Writing a book was never in my life plans. Writing a book about my own life was not even a fleeting thought. I felt a combination of freedom and responsibility when the book was published. I felt free of many of the secrets and stories that I had kept inside of me, I felt free of the obligation to be a certain way, I felt free of shame, guilt and denial. During that time I looked at life through a different lens. Back then, there was only one way to live, be a good girl, be a good wife, be a good student, be a good worker and all will run smooth. Newsflash - that is just not how life goes. Opportunities, challenges and detours are not only a part of life, it is growing fuel for the journey. The tools you acquire on the Journey will support these times. I felt a responsibility to myself and to others to s...

The Mind is Convincing

  The mind will craft a story that feels like truth out of the fragmented pieces it picked up. However farfetched, the mind is convincing . Stacey Herrera Have you ever had the experience where you made up a story about a situation before either knowing the facts, checking within, or having to wait until you speak to the other person? Confessions on the Journey - making up stories was my thing! I would craft a best seller, an academy award winning story and most times there would be villains and bad guys who I would have to conquer. Then I would retreat because I felt either stressed or panicked to deal with "the story I made up"  What I have learnt is making up a story with no facts, no truth, no self belief, no responsibility leads to unnecessary worry and stress. I have also learnt that the conversation is usually mush easier than the story made up before it. I have also learnt to be in awareness of the thoughts that I dwell on. Simply by asking "What am I thinking in...

Hear the Power of Saying Nothing

  HUSH – Hear the power of saying nothing There is a common view by people who have recently met me that I am "quiet" I don't really talk that much. At first it would annoy me hearing it, then I got over that and it started amusing me, and some of my family members because they had proof that I was not "quiet". I recognize now that I way prefer to  listen and learn from others rather  than talking, I prefer listening to the Divine Guidance (that inner wisdom that all of us inherit when we are born) I have also learnt that there is wisdom in balance and a time for everything. And that means listening and talking must be in alignment for growth, for evolution, even for revolution of Self! Set your intentions before any encounter - lately mine has been peace. Be authentic - show up as yourself Never shrink yourself to make others uncomfortable Speak up if you are divinely guided to Speaking just for the sake of talking or impressing others usually will not end well...

Self Reflection Takes Courage

  the next time that shame creeps up in your life, ask yourself this one question (or journal about it): What about this situation made me feel like I either wasn't enough or was a bad person? Dr Mariel Buque Shame is learned behavior. When shame shows up and  we embrace it as part of us, we run the risk of listening to that inner voice that says we are not good enough or we are doing something wrong. that level of thinking leads to all types of  poor choices and decisions.  Brene Brown describes shame as  an “ intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging .” Of course we make mistakes, and sometimes our actions fall short of what we set for ourselves, we let others down. There will also be times where things will  just not go the way we expected. What we must focus on  when we feel we have done something wrong or did not live up to both our own and the expectation of others is to ...

Pattern Interrupt

  You are an intuitive, spiritual being and that inner voice is your most valuable resource, far beyond that of any logical, external advice you may hope to guide you in the months and years to come. You are your best guide, as frightening a thought as that might seem most of the time. It remains the truth.  It never ceases to amaze me how much we ignore the guidance given to us from the most high due to doubt, fear, looking for validation and logic. I have learnt that going within first is actually fool proof. To go within though, requires some work, some changes, some pattern interrupting. To go within requires still and silence. If we are unwilling to get still, to ask ourselves some questions, to interrupt some of our habits and patterns, it becomes so much more difficult to be divinely guided. It really is that simple. Peace

Journey to Intuition

  Hello Lovely March is here! I trust that you journeyed well to welcome March complete with all its adventures and lessons. March we Journey to Intuition. That place of inner knowing that we all possess. This place is powerful, so powerful that we ,many times, run from it, ignore it, hide it, pretend it is something else and make excuses not to factor it into our decision making process. News flash - if you are: 1. too busy 2. too proud 3. in denial 4. living in ignorance 5. paying attention to everything outside of you 6. giving away your power to dogma, others, old habits 7. making excuses its going to be extremely difficult to receive, listen to and have the courage to tap into your divine guidance. What will happen? Life will keep showing you that. Life loves us that much. The prompts, messages, and guidance you receive will scare you, frighten you, excite you however it will never leave you feeling at war with yourself. There will be a peace that passes all understanding when...