Hear the Power of Saying Nothing


HUSH – Hear the power of saying nothing

There is a common view by people who have recently met me that I am "quiet" I don't really talk that much. At first it would annoy me hearing it, then I got over that and it started amusing me, and some of my family members because they had proof that I was not "quiet". I recognize now that I way prefer to  listen and learn from others rather  than talking, I prefer listening to the Divine Guidance (that inner wisdom that all of us inherit when we are born) I have also learnt that there is wisdom in balance and a time for everything. And that means listening and talking must be in alignment for growth, for evolution, even for revolution of Self!

Set your intentions before any encounter - lately mine has been peace.

Be authentic - show up as yourself

Never shrink yourself to make others uncomfortable

Speak up if you are divinely guided to

Speaking just for the sake of talking or impressing others usually will not end well for you

Remember that we are all connected

Respect is the minimum



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