You are a Manifestation of God's Greatest Idea

If you are who you really are there’s no need to constantly prove yourself to the masses . Euphemia Someone send me a message yesterday "you have no idea what's its like when you're never not enough" Listening to her I was taken aback because on the surface, she seemed to have everything together. A thriving career, a beautiful house, an active social life and all the material possessions, she also mentioned that she had to keep proving and proving and proving. That conversation peaked my interest because there was a time when proving was a part of my life. It also peaked my interest because I wondered if and how I am still in the proving mode. Upon reflection, I have learnt two main lessons: 1. There is nothing to prove. When you know who you are there is never a need to prove, grasp or justify anything. You show up do your best and leave the rest. 2. We are enough just be being born. You are enough, a manifestation of God's greatest idea. 3. We have to const...