Let go of all illusions of a split identity


To affirm, “I am spirit” is to let go of all illusions of a split identity, of a good and bad self, and of all attempts we might make to somehow reconcile the ego self that is bound to a body with the spiritual self that is unlimited by a body. ACIM

Growing up, I was given a list of things at Sunday School then at Confirmation class, then at home which were on the "bad list". That meant, if I did any of those things I would immediately and automatically turn into a bad person and go straight to hell. Now there were some items on that list I wanted to question - how can wearing micro shorts send me to hell, or partying at a club? Doesn't God want us to have fun? As I grew older, I would see my friends and neighbors doing things on the list and they did not go to hell, in fact, they seemed to be quite happy going about their business. I decided to bring up the topic with my grandmother - naturally! 

"Who told you that rubbish?" she went on a tirade about brainwash and think for yourself child, think think!

She would go on to add her own items to the list, which I thought was so ironic, leaving me with "don't let people fool you, make your own enquiries then choose"

I forgot about this conversation, today reading ACIM, I am reminded that I am spirit, not good, not bad. I am part of the Universe. I am reminded to not judge others as I have no idea of their own story. I am reminded of my sacred responsibility of being a spirit.


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