Journey to Surrender
November is the Journey to Surrender. What does surrender mean to you?
In the past, surrender meant giving up, and felt weak. As I journeyed spiritually, I have learnt that surrender is so far from giving up, it is the relinquishing of control, of fear, of matters that I have no business in. Surrender takes courage as it calls you to have faith, patience and fortitude.
Surrendering to the Most High, the Universe has proven to be a form of strength, a miracle of sorts. It says that I have done my part, I have followed the guidance and now I must get out of the way, trusting that all will be well. Rather than interfere, worry, stress and control, I can surrender to the process knowing that I have done all that I can, all that I have been guided to and all that is required, everything else is a complete waste of time.
I surrender all is a mantra that I will definitely be using during this month.
I surrender all fear
I surrender all judgement
I surrender all doubt
I surrender all control
I surrender all untruths
I surrender all stories
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