Tend to Your Wounds

 a sacred connection is on the other side of shame. weed out your garden, tend to your wounds— honor yourself - Malanda 

The moment you find yourself externalizing, blaming others for what is happening in your life and not holding yourself accountable, you give away your power. Human beings love being right and being in control. I can relate - I mean, who wants to look dumb? so when we are not in tuned with taking personal responsibility and accountability we blame others, when we forget who we are, we blame others, when we are in fear we blame others.

Seems an easy fix then right? Taking responsibility and accountability means tending to your wounds, it means remembering who we are, it involves acting from a place of love rather than fear. The challenge with tending to your wounds is that it takes a tremendous amount of courage, surrender and stillness.

Many of us are simply not ready or willing to do surrender. The result of this being the continuation of the cycle of  blame and fear.

The shift starts with a sense of willingness  Just being willing to do a new thing!

Simple, isn't it?



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