Personal Growth demands Emotional Maturity
Personal growth is not about removing all internal and external difficulties, it is about improving the way you handle them so that they no longer crush you when they appear. Yung Pueblo Growing up, I somehow got into my head that if I was a good person, prayed and did right, I will experience zero difficulties. I believed that only bad people had bad experiences. Well how off base was I! When life happened to me I thought the sky was falling in, wasn't I a "good person" was I not doing the right things and following the formula? Then whatever the hell is going on? What I learnt is, life is fleeting, and so are all the events associated with life. There will always be positive and negative times, experiences come to support in building our character, patience and faith. The experiences we receive in life push us to emotional maturity. Life will keep repeating the lessons until we get it. It's nothing personal.. When we are emotionally mature we are able to ...