Is it Safe or is it Familiar?

Love introduces the highest possible frequency into the equation, and so when it is present, it is transformative. Like a door cracking to expose a stream of light into an otherwise dark room, once love is present, fear begins to dissolve. If you need change, you need love, because the love itself will change whatever needs to be softened, lightened, and realigned. Briana Wiest Many times our mind tells us that where we are is safe only because its familiar, many times its time to move- we settle. Being present means coming to make decisions with a balance of where we are now using memories Unfamiliar feels unsafe - but how many times is it not unsafe? Sometimes we have to take the risk, take the stories out of our mind, transcend the space where we feel limited Start small, its a process One small act at a time to signal to ourself that we are open to moving beyond where we are rather than settle because of fear. Peace and Blessings Akosua's Books Nyabo (...