Is it a Wrong Turn or a Misdirection?
Being lost feels scary sometimes, but only from unfamiliar places can we truly let ourselves step into new ways of being. Lost is a doorway, a portal. - Lisa Olivera
Is there ever a wrong turn? Or is it a re-route?
Is there ever a wrong route? Or it it a different path?
On a Sunday I would walk in the forest, there is a marked trail which leads to the river - it is a beautiful path. I know it like the back of my hand. One Sunday while not paying attention I made a "wrong" turn which led to the most beautiful path and river. Initially, I panicked because I was alone in the woods, I did not know where I was going, it was getting late and the list went on. After the initial panic I started paying attention to where I was and realized not only the beauty of the place but that I could navigate the surroundings enough to find my way back to the main trail.
Was it really a wrong turn?
Like life, we make decisions and mistakes which may seem wrong at the time, however when we take the time to regroup and be still we can see the beauty, the new paths, the letting go of control.
Now that path is a part of my Sunday routine.
Sometimes a wrong turn can be a redirection.
Peace and Blessings
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