Pain to Power

 Transformation happens when you learn from your pain, and turn it into your power. Iyanla Vanzant 

What I have learnt is that events that happen in life are not personal. They become intimate when we go through them ,however its not a case of if I do good, nothing bad will happen to me or life is out to keep me down.

 Events in life happen,  and we have what it takes within us to deal with them, we have the power to feel, deal and heal ourselves. It sounds simple enough - but simple is not always easy.

Who amongst us has escaped loss, betrayal, love, sadness, joy? Who has not had to deal with death, grief, happiness?

Life provides us with the tools, the examples, the inspiration in so many ways. Look around you?

Your own habits and patterns reflect back to you the life you live- sometimes they show you that you are on the path and sometimes it reflects that you are not- you need a shift.

Nature teaches us lessons about resilience, changing seasons, imperfections that work perfectly.

Other people are mirrors on what to do, and what not to do

This is the simple part

The hard part is getting still enough, courageous enough to know who we are and do what we need to do- Divine Guidance.

Taking the pain and using it- don't ever waste your pain, I call it the manure for your garden. Take the manure and plant flowers on the pile.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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