What if, you Got this?

 Isn’t it strange that it’s so often easier to contemplate what’s “wrong” with us than what’s right with us? Elizabeth Gilbert 

What If?

What if all your sad and “bad” experiences are for your greatest evolution?

What if those experiences are a portal to something, to somewhere?

What if you look at the experience as a bitter medicine you must have to heal you, even though you detest the taste and the after taste left on your tongue.

What if you are overthinking this entire thing?

What if the Most High is present in all of this and got you?

What if you remember that everything is temporary and many times we don’t have control on how all experiences end?

What if the experience is a type of manure that can help in the growing of beautiful flowers?

What if this experience was a method of opening you up to new ways of being, to forgive Self, to learn Self?

What if this is to remind you to love yourself and stop offering yourself up to be used?

What if, you Got this?

Akosua's Books



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