
Showing posts from September, 2024

Is Entertainment your prison?

  The more stimulation you have, the more you will feel you need. Entertainment can become its own form of prison. Mark Manson  Have you ever been sucked into scrolling on social media?  Have you had the experience of going on social media with a specific objective and there you are  hours later down a rabbit hole? This I will confess has been how my days have been going lately. Stimulated by social media at the expense of doing what I am supposed to be doing- it just never seems like enough, I go deep into the abyss and before I know it, hours have passed. Seeing Mark Manson's quote today made a lot of sense.  The more I see, the more I want, And anything out of balance will not work to our advantage. Balance and Harmony are essential for our lives to remain on course. Life has a way of reminding us when we get out of balance through our actions and the consequences of those actions.  Sometimes we just need to be still. To sit with the stillness, the boredom, the quiet There are

Choose Your Desires

  No one has to choose you, pick you, give you the opportunity…. YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE YOUR DESIRES BACK.. This is because the universe is always giving us opportunities to get to where we say we want to go .  Ifakorede When I saw this quote, I kid you not, I stopped for a moment because it screamed at me. There have been so many times that I said to myself and to others the words "I want to be chosen" or "no one chooses me"  Even saying them now I cringe because I can confess that saying it came from a place of believing that I had to prove to others that I am , I was worthy to be chosen.  Now I know - that is a load of rubbish. I wanted to be seen and chosen as a child, when I felt that I was not I found ways to be seen - over achieving being the main one or sometimes shutting down so others would ask me if I was okay As an adult it manifested itself in people pleasing - I would do any and everything to be cool, to be calm, to be liked in relationships, at work, and

In September We Remember

  So many of the beliefs we hold are based on unexamined assumptions, things that were put upon us early in life before we could critically think about them or discern   Deborah L. Johnson  I love a good story, I love to hear a good story, I love to tell a good story and I love to write a good story. Stories form a huge part of how I live. I remember sitting in the living room hearing the older folks talk. The would be animated, laughing and clapping just from a good story. I would find and make so many excuses to get water, to go back into the kitchen for ice, and all sorts because, of course, they were telling stories "for grown folks" I was curious to know what made all these women so animated and happy. All that to say that some stories bring a sense of joy and togetherness and then there are some stories that we make up to "fill in the blanks", that bring stress and anxiety. There are other stories that we inherit and adopt without questioning it even if it is