My child, no more chasing and no more settling

 My child, no more chasing and no more settling. You know this from your addiction recovery. The rule of love for you is: no chasing. No chasing a feeling, no chasing a person, no chasing a fantasy. No chasing the past or the future. And no more melting, melding, binding  Elizabeth Gilbert 

I was taught to go after what you want. Whatever it takes, go for it, take no prisoners, take no for an answer. And yes, there were times that using this approach worked so well, I got what I wanted and felt like a million bucks. The trouble starts when that approach does not work or getting addicted to believing that I was in control. For those who are regular to this space, you would have seen that time and time again, I talk about everything being in balance, being in harmony.

Being in balance means doing all that you can, putting in the work without expectation, with faith and belief.

These are 5 lessons learnt about chasing without balance

1. Chasing is different to going after something you want. Chasing is forcing and borderline manipulation, it ignores red flags. What you chase will run from you.

2. Chasing removes patience and intuition from the equation. Two important qualities required in achieving our goals and objectives.

3. Chasing can easily turn into manipulation - getting what we want by any means necessary.

4. Many times chasing leads to burn out and resentment. There is a sense of entitlement that comes with always getting what we want based on ego rather than on knowing that everything that is yours is divinely provided.

5. Chasing without balance comes is laced with fear.

Love yourself through it all

Peace and Blessings

Akosua wins the  2004 Emerging Inspirational Leader Award 

Honoured at awards gala

Akosua's Books



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