
Showing posts from February, 2021

Anything you do is a reflection of you

 Anything you do is a reflection of you  What are some of the things you do daily?  What are some of the actions you take without even thinking twice? What are some of your rituals?  Mindfulness allows us to be present when we take action and make choices, when we are aware of the choices and actions we make we are able to see our reflection clearly. When we are clear we have the confidence and courage to change what requires changing. When  we deny or are not mindful of the actions that do not serve our best selves, the lessons remain on repeat. Situations will keep coming up to show you to either be mindful or take a new course. This we interpret as life being hard or difficult. It is simply life's way of getting our attention. Whether it is to change or to shift, something requires looking at with no heat and no judgement. If we take the time to get curious about where we are, we are able to shift course easier and faster or with less drama. Life is always gi...

What Does Support Look Like to You?

  You save yourself energy when you learn to ask people what they need, instead of assuming you know best then acting on your own impulses. Allowing people to define what support looks like gives you an ability to assess if you have the capacity to show up - Minaa B If someone asks you right now, what does support look like to you, what would be your answer? It takes self reflection , self awareness and more importantly a whole load of authenticity to answer. On the flip side, do you rush to support others without them even asking- there may be times when that is required, however many a time we assume that we know what others want and need. The times when we do assume, after a while a feeling of resentment builds because "how could they be so ungrateful?" or "why are they not seeing their need for my help?" the other classic is "they must need my help to show them because they clearly are not seeing that they need support" We continue to assume what othe...

Develop Yourself First

  A word by Micheal Bernard Beckwith There are three types of people... People who are task-oriented but don't have goals. People who have goals but they don't know what their purpose is. Then there are people who live in a larger purpose. Within a larger purpose, you still have goals and fulfill tasks. When you're in the dynamic of a larger purpose, you may set a goal to graduate school within a certain amount of years and within that time, master a specific instrument, or you might start a business with the goal that it is profitable by the third year, or you decide to bring your body temple in shape, so you set a goal that within a year you will be able to walk three miles without being winded. You can set goals to set goals, but when living with a larger purpose, you set goals within a greater dynamic purpose. What is that purpose? That purpose is to reveal the face of Divinity. The face of Divinity can be revealed with a healthy body temple, a profitable business provi...

Slowly Gets You There Too

  Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety . ACIM The rush to get things done quickly has become a norm. We have grown to a point where we expect instant responses to text messages, emails, requests. We want to know what is happening now, we want a response now. We want to be able to make things happen quickly. For many, having patience is seen as weak. It is seen as being lazy and disrespectful when emails are not answered immediately, when tests are left for long. How did we get to this point? I cannot say. I found myself caught up wanting everything now and quickly, getting worked up when it is not done now, when others do not respond to me as quickly as I believe they ought to. As usual, on cue, the Universe responds in a timely manner, not when I say, always in Divine timing. Today my daily reading was on patience and perfectionism. What is so urgent that it cannot wait? Why the anxiety? Having to ask myself questions about the feeling ...

Use Your Voice

  You don't have to be perfect to be heard. Rhonda Khan You have a voice.  You have a say. It is up to you to use it. You don't need permission to use it. You don't need to be perfect. You don't need a special outfit or any special friends to speak up. Use your voice, it's yours Now What? Akosua's Latest Book Out Now Pre Order Here

There is Nothing to Fear

  There is nothing to fear - ACIM A Course in Miracles says i f we believe in illusions, fear seems very real, but we are afraid of nothing. The lesson says it is “very easy to recognize” that there is nothing to fear; what makes it seem difficult is that  we want the illusions to be true.    If they are not true, we are not who we think we are and who we wish to be; so we hold on to the illusions to validate our egos, and in so doing, hold on to the fear. This lesson resonated with me this morning. How many times have I held on to the story, the  illusion of what it should be, what I want it to be especially when reality is in front of me. When I am presented with the reality of  a situation which is new and uncomfortable, the default is to up a story, wanting the story to be true rather than looking at the situation as is - first step called acknowledgement. Once I acknowledge, the second step is confessing what I feel. I may be scared, anxious, out of c...

Open to Solutions

Our prayer is that you’re intuitively open to the solutions that are always present; that you gain an insight into the sustainable future and begin to create this future now, and do so with compassion for all sides in this equation . Guru Singh Today and tomorrow are the scheduled days of Carnival in my country. For as long as I have known myself, this was a time of reunion of long lost friends and family coming in from abroad, a time of joy and happiness, a time where we would party, hang out, go to the beach, and as we say here "free up". Sleep would be a premium, the parties would go on for hours and hours culminating in a two day street party like no other 2021, has changed all of this, the powers that be decided that due to the global pandemic that there would be no Carnival as we once knew it. I believed that I would be okay with not having a carnival, now I know that this time provided a re-set for me, the stress relief was undeniable and required, the energy was alwa...

You OR Me vs You AND Me

  From the paradigm of scarcity, we create a  YOU OR ME  world that will always create more division. From the paradigm of sufficiency, we create a  YOU AND ME  world, that will always foster unity . Lynne Twist  From the paradigm of scarcity, we create a  YOU OR ME  world that will always create more division. From the paradigm of sufficiency, we create a  YOU AND ME  world, that will always foster unity .  Lynne Twist  My prayer this month is to live from a space of enoughness and sufficiency.  Confessions on the Journey - Many times I have this gnawing feeling that there will not be enough - and  the feeling is usually about money and time. When there is a budget given to me, I have to stick to and follow I get even more nervous. When there are deadlines, I feel anxious, I feel nervous.  I am usually looking to cut back and scrimp and do with less. I m now asking myself, Is that how we are supposed t...

The world can do things to you, but it cannot extract things from you that you do not choose to give.

  if the Mind thinks that a particular pain is “unwanted,” it will not abide it. It will violently or strenuously fight against it, and that’s precisely what creates the experience of struggle and suffering in one’s life . Neale Donald Walsh  Over the past few months there has been a constant pain in my back and shoulder - I could not put my finger on the back pain. The shoulder one I deduced that it was a past injury rearing its head after boxing. The back one scared the beJesus out of me. I relented and went to the doctor. He asked me some questions and told me he believes that its a back strain. I ought to go home watch YouTube and do some stretches. Confessions on the Journey - I was resisting this pain and resenting it so much. I was scared of it. I could not wrap my head around why? why me? why is this pain happening? I exercise, I eat fairly well ( I love chocolates and cannot resist a hot bread out of the oven)  It was not until I accepted that I have this pain, t...

We've Been So Tiny

  We are getting cracked in half because our understanding of how life worked has been so small - has been so guarded because we've been so frightened. We've been so tiny. We've cut and pasted and divided and decided that this type of person can have power but this type of person can't. Carolyn Myss The year 2020 has been a game changer, 2021 has also come close on the heels with more game changing events which, for me, has really made me questioned what is important.  What is important in my life? Do I understand that life is bigger than I am with my own part to play.  How do I define power and powerlessness? There have been so many events that I have witnessed over the past year 2020 and at the start of 2021 that totally changed what I value. It has been a reminder that I have to ground myself in something because everything around me that I once knew has changed. It is absolutely true that change is the only thing that is constant. I have learnt that despite it all, ...

Journey to Gratitude

It is  a choice to be grateful  - Inner Fitness February is the Journey to Gratitude. February is the month of Giving thanks Gratitude may not immediately change our circumstances but it allows us to look at the situation with different lens and a new perspective. This month, make it a practice to be grateful for what we have now and for what is coming - I call those my gratitude Intention. I say what  I am grateful in advance for.  Today I am grateful for health and healing. Today I am grateful NOW for courage and clarity Peace Now What? Akosua's latest book drops in March 2021 Pre Order Now What?