There is Nothing to Fear

 There is nothing to fear - ACIM

A Course in Miracles says if we believe in illusions, fear seems very real, but we are afraid of nothing. The lesson says it is “very easy to recognize” that there is nothing to fear; what makes it seem difficult is that we want the illusions to be true. 

 If they are not true, we are not who we think we are and who we wish to be; so we hold on to the illusions to validate our egos, and in so doing, hold on to the fear.

This lesson resonated with me this morning. How many times have I held on to the story, the  illusion of what it should be, what I want it to be especially when reality is in front of me.

When I am presented with the reality of  a situation which is new and uncomfortable, the default is to up a story, wanting the story to be true rather than looking at the situation as is - first step called acknowledgement. Once I acknowledge, the second step is confessing what I feel. I may be scared, anxious, out of control, angry. When these feelings arise, my default is oh dear, I don't like this and go off on a story making adventure on how and why and if- rooted in fear of the unknown. This is called denial! 

The Course reminded me today that there is nothing to fear. The illusion, the denial and the stories that I have made up is in a direct response to the fear. I believe that if the illusions are false then not only do I have to deal with the issue, I have made wrong choices. 

There is nothing to fear in making wrong choices or dealing with any issues.

There is nothing to fear as I navigate a change in how I live my life.

There is nothing to fear period.


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