Open to Solutions
Our prayer is that you’re intuitively open to the solutions that are always present; that you gain an insight into the sustainable future and begin to create this future now, and do so with compassion for all sides in this equation . Guru Singh
2021, has changed all of this, the powers that be decided that due to the global pandemic that there would be no Carnival as we once knew it. I believed that I would be okay with not having a carnival, now I know that this time provided a re-set for me, the stress relief was undeniable and required, the energy was always high.
Today I am sitting at a desk in an airconditioned office thinking - is this what I have chosen? Confessions on the Journey - some of the consequences of my choices really suck!
What did I Learn?
1. Our choices have consequences, however choices can change.
2. It is quite okay to mourn a change - especially when the situation was a huge part of your life that brought you joy.
3. Good ole' acceptance - accept the situation then decide. And of course, acceptance does not always mean liking it.
4. Find alternatives - find what you like and go for the joy, things change all the time.
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