We've Been So Tiny
We are getting cracked in half because our understanding of how life worked has been so small - has been so guarded because we've been so frightened. We've been so tiny. We've cut and pasted and divided and decided that this type of person can have power but this type of person can't. Carolyn Myss
The year 2020 has been a game changer, 2021 has also come close on the heels with more game changing events which, for me, has really made me questioned what is important.
What is important in my life? Do I understand that life is bigger than I am with my own part to play.
How do I define power and powerlessness?
There have been so many events that I have witnessed over the past year 2020 and at the start of 2021 that totally changed what I value.
It has been a reminder that I have to ground myself in something because everything around me that I once knew has changed.
It is absolutely true that change is the only thing that is constant.
I have learnt that despite it all, I must remember who I am, remember that wanting to control everything and everyone is usually an illusion rooted in fear and lack of faith.
I have learnt that all needs are met - during this time my cupboards have been the most stocked as I haver seen them, people have been feeding me. Keeping in mind that many have no food, I have learnt to share more, more of myself and more of what I have.
I have learnt that I have the power to respond rather than fall down.
We can redesign where we are with what we have despite where we are. That is our power.
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