Are You Willing?

 Opening ourselves to willingness may feel like we are surrendering or abandoning all that we believed. But at the same time it is an act of power and courage because it is a conscious choice we make about how to apply our personal will. Being willing is to be in a state of willing something into creation. It is at once allowing ourselves to be while also choosing to direct our energy in a focused way. It is being and doing from a place of openness, where we can work with the universe rather than resist it. It is an open hand rather than one that is clenched into a fist. When we make a step toward willingness, we open ourselves to truth, possibility, and the movement of the wise universe in and through our lives. Daily OM

One of the greatest lessons I have learnt on the Journey thus far is "be willing" At the onset of being told to be willing...again, I resisted it. I could not wrap my head around why people were going on about how important it was for me to be "willing".

Growing up, I was told on many occasions " you are so unwilling", that message stuck with me, I internalized it. I believed that being unwilling was not doing what someone in authority asked of me. I believed that being unwilling was  not doing what I did not want to do,  standing firm on what I was against. A level of resistance.

I now embrace what willingness is. 

Willingness is the ability to keep an open mind in the face of a new and different situation. Willingness is not about giving up, it's about surrendering- surrender requires trust.

Willingness is the openness to do a new thing and give up "my way" as the only way.

Willingness is not the same as readiness. Willingness may be the stage before being ready. I can be willing and still not ready. That  same willingness will carry us into readiness.

Being willing demonstrates a level of vulnerability - heading into the unknown with zero certainty, the rewards however, are so worth it.

Are you willing?


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