My Top 21 Lessons for 2021

 Funny how simple it is to settle into discontentment. So much so that there is a sense of security in sorrow and frustration. You unwittingly become Stockholm to dysfunction. It’s not what you like; it’s what you know.  Stacey Herrera

As we approach the end of this cycle called a year, self reflection of the lessons learnt become a priority for me. Allow me to share the top 21 lessons that I learnt. Please drop a comment to share yours.

  1. This too shall pass.
  2. We are all connected, despite where we live, what we believe.
  3. Always show up in love, rather than in fear, it makes a difference.
  4. Have boundaries - use them!
  5. No. Sometimes it is all you must say in response.
  6. Yes. Sometimes Yes is all it takes.
  7. Everyone is going through their own internal battles.
  8. Some people need to be loved from afar.
  9. There are times you need to and must mind your own business
  10. You cannot save others, nor can you do their work for them.
  11. You do not need to share your opinion on every single thing.
  12. Feelings not felt or expressed in a healthy way attach on to parts of your body.
  13. Forgive....yourself...first
  14. Forgive others.
  15. Rest is part of the Journey.
  16. I control nothing but my response, my thoughts and my choices.
  17. Life will do whatever is required to get your attention.
  18. Love shows up in so many different ways.
  19. Life is simple, we complicate it.
  20. You have to do the inner work.
  21. Where ever I stand is holy ground.

From Intentions to Actions, A Free Workbook, available for download until January 5th - Scroll Down to Free Downloads


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