Top Ten Lessons on the Journey to Letting Go

When you deeply embrace change, letting go becomes much easier. The thicker the ego, the more likely the individual is to believe that their way is always the right way. Control is often a manifestation of old hurt and trauma. The deepest healing and delight arises from letting go. Yung Pueblo 1. Letting go of habits require willingness, commitment, strength and strength of will. Then you go through purification and withdrawal, which is uncomfortable. You have to want to result more than you are afraid of the discomfort. 2. Letting go is far more peaceful than doggedly clinging, trust more empowering than resistance. 3. One has to develop rituals for letting go. It takes practice and commitment 4. O ur liberation depends upon our ability to release and let go of anything that does not serve us. 5 Practising letting go reduces unhealthy craving and acting on unhealthy cravings. 6. Moving on does require letting go. But letting ...