People treat people the way they feel about themselves

 "People treat people the way they feel about themselves. How we experience the way people treat us has to do with the shadow elements of how we feel about ourselves" Dene Logan

People treat people the way they feel about themselves - This my friends, blew me away this morning, I have heard different versions of this statement before, for some reason, this time around it resonated in a whole other way! Now I can safely understand why it makes no sense to take things personal and make people's actions about you. The second part of the statement is what really stood out for me, how we experience the way people treat us has to do with the shadow elements of how we feel about ourselves- So, where in the shadows lurking is a feeling of unworthiness, not enoughness, and fear? I had to ask myself this question. and be very open and honest about the response. The powerful thing about being open and honest with acceptance is now I can make a change. Somewhere inside of me I believed that I had to perform for love and attention, I did not believe that I only had to be my best self- no proving, no performance, no showing off. Somewhere in the shadows was a belief that people will leave if they don't see me as valuable. Everything started to fall into place

Shine but not too much

Always prove your are worth it - but in a subtle way

Oh dear me, what a  lot of emotional labour - I am done with that

I am worthy

I am enough

I am valuable 

 I don't have to continue believing that I am not. 

I don't have to believe that I must prove it to all and sundry for them to "stay", "to choose me, to see me as valuable

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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