Part of growing up is letting go


A dear friend of mine said to me today that I am not really good at having difficult conversations. When I first heard it I thought really? I thought I was good at it! then I paused and did some self inventory and she was absolutely right! 

I sat down with that for a minute - As a recovering people pleaser, difficult conversations are tough for me, I am just learning how to advocate for myself, to stop giving all of me to the point of diminishing my self to "let people like me and "in the name of peace" 

What I have learned is when one comes from a background of chaos and confusion at home, they do what it takes to "keep the peace" I continued to do that as I grew into  being an an adult. I now have the tools to communicate how I feel and there is more independence on my part, I can walk away, I can make choices that are for my best interest, they are no longer my primary care givers.

I no longer have to be "liked" so that I will not be "left" - what a revelation! Makes such a huge difference

There is no need to fight, prove, bend to be liked and keep the peace

I can communicate what I am feeling, what my boundaries are and rest assured in the fact that not everyone will like me and that is AOK

Sitting with this for a moment because guess what? as we speak I am avoiding a very hard conversation.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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