September we embark on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love


Unconditional love is not the same as normal love. Unconditional love encompasses acceptance, compassion. forgiveness, non judgement and trust. As you continue to practice you hold yourself and others with love. 
You are enthusiastic and inspired.
Practising unconditional love with and for yourself means that you honor your commitments no matter what else attracts your attention. It also means if you fall off, you get back up, you get up and you never give up on yourself.
Love never gives up  The Accountability Process 2013 

This month as I journey towards unconditional self love, I am keeping it simple, I commit to:

1. Consistently eating healthy foods that nourish my body.

2. Having a strong NO

3. Having a strong YES

4. Keeping the commitments I make to myself even when there are distractions, noise and pressure to conform. There are times when a renegotiation becomes necessary. Self Love is about knowing when to initiate that minus judgement and ego.

5. Keeping the commitments I make to others - with love, respect and pure intentions.

6. Being radically honest with myself - not building foundations on lies, illusions, rationales, justifications, fear and nonsense.

7. Feeling all my feelings - recognizing and knowing that I do not have to act on all of them especially when it dishonors me and those who I love.

8. Consistently making self honoring choices. Every single choice that I make I am asking myself, does this show that I love and honor me? Real talk! What I accept, what I don't accept, who I interact with, what I say, what I do? Does it show me that I love me?

9. Holding myself accountable for the decisions I make, holding myself accountable for the creation of the life I want. Holding myself accountable means doing what I say that I will so and becoming willing to pay the consequences when I fail to honor those commitments.

10. Knowing when to accept what is, knowing when to let go, knowing when to walk away.

11. Being courageous enough to accept and work to understand my fears and weaknesses and act despite the fear.

12. Respecting myself and others as evidenced by my actions and behavior.

13. Doing what I say I will do in order to have what I say I want -consistency and discipline.

14. Being kind to myself. No judgement, no self-betrayal, promises to ourself that we don’t or cannot keep.

There are just some things now that I will no longer tolerate - both from myself and others

May I remember on this Journey that, The r (evolution) starts with self and There is no risk free route to love.

Peace and Love

Listen to Akosua on the Sacred Planet Podcast - "Its An Inside Job"


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