Feeling the Feelings Fully provides Information

Feel because what exists inside the feeling state that you are avoiding is information- Briana Wiest

Over the past week I have been at a Knowledge Fair. Practioners from all over the world had the opportunity to share their experiences on working with Gender Based Violence (GBV). 

What stood out for me sharing our experiences is how many of the people in the room continued or even fought to remain  "professional" in the midst of hearing emotional stories. It made me think about how much we are asked to "be strong" which translates to don't show feeling, no crying, no emotions, take it on the chin. How can we be human and deny the fullness of the human experience? How can we show up in a room not being our full selves?

Having been asked to do that repeatedly, especially as women, it becomes tough to navigate the world and show up without being given the space to be fully present in our authentic selves.

There was a story being given by a GBV survivor, an emotional one, I found myself tearing up, and at the same time I found myself looking around to see who else was. I held back because I was the lone one in the room. I had to now talk to myself, remind myself that it is ok  to feel all my feelings. The feelings are guides, information, to allow transcendence.

I want to practice and commit to feeling all of my feelings.

I want to practice and commit to be authentic with the feelings that pop up.

I want to practice and commit to not ask permission to feel.

I want to practice and commit to be courageous while I face all of my feelings. To sit in it, to let it pass through me, to be in the discomfort.

I want to practice and commit to feeling the joy without guilt.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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