January's Intention is Balance
Balance applies to our body, mind and emotions, to all levels of our being. It reminds us that anything we do, we can overdo or underdo. If the pendulum of our lives or habits swings too far to one side, it will inevitably swing to the other. You apply the Law of Balance by noticing your imbalances. Dan Millman
Look around you, the Laws of Balance operate naturally supporting the efficient running of the Universe.
Night and Day
Darkness and Light
Inhale and Exhale
Sunlight and Moonlight
Work and Rest
Hot and Cold
Life let's us know when we are out of balance and calls upon us to recentre ourselves. The challenge is that we must make the choice to do so. When we continue to live out of balance the consequences show up as illness, addictions, pain, and suffering in its many forms,
Balancing our lives takes practice, it takes stillness, it demands that we pay attention to our bodies, to our intuition, to our divine guidance which puts us in a better place live a harmonious life.
Anything is the extreme can have unhealthy effects (drinking, shopping, working, and on and on and on), my grandmother always said everything in moderation even moderation. I heard that all the time growing up and it meant nothing to me except that it gave her a pass to eat whatever she wanted without gaining weight, to have fun and live the life that she wanted. As I grew older I recognised that she was saying not to overdo and go to the extreme with anything.
Learning about balance also taught me that everything is temporary, while we experience highs in life, enjoy them in the moment. While we experience lows, this too will pass, take the lesson and use it for life's journey.
To understand and apply the laws of balance in your life will certainly assist in navigating how we experience the Journey.
And what is the great equalizer when we are out of balance? Love
Love centres us, Love of Self, Love of Community, Love of Life
The amount of love with which we allow our thoughts to be created and expressed is the key that balances our thoughts. It is also the key to listening as others share their thoughts with us. Anchored in love, we are able to listen to life's nudges without taking it personally.
Peace and Blessings
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