What you run from will chase you

"What you run from will chase you" Danielle La Porte 

Each of us, the hero of our own story, our own life, faces different earthly and spiritual challenges from which we learn lessons that allow us to evolve different and higher qualities of power. 

Every challenge we face, all  the stresses present an opportunity for spiritual learning in which we can gain insight into the use, misuse or misdirection of our personal power.

The aim is to be content about who we are rather than to always strive for that good feeling with a focus only on what we "have" and where we work. Until then, we will continue to focus on games and things we own rather than our inner power. We will measure our success by how much we control the external world and other people when what is most important is how we define what success is to us. 

It starts on the inside, recognizing and believing that:

1, You have the power to design the life you desire - that does not mean there will  not be challenges, the focus on your inner power and desire pushes you forward.

2. The challenges present the mirror - the mirror reflects what is inside of you that requires you to pay attention- no judgement.

3.  Things are nice - everything in balance 

Peace and Blessings

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