
 Chasing is a wound response. Choosing is a worthy response - Unknown 

I now choose in this perfect choice-point moment of total freedom to let go of all that I am aware in me that is holding me back; the old, the stagnant behaviors no longer serving me, that which is breaking my own heart, disappointing me, out of alignment, and causing me shame or feelings of unworthiness and ways of self  protection that have become a prison.

I drop all comparison and judgements towards myself and others and ask for the revelation of the gifts waiting on the other side of the rebirth be known now.

I choose this new timeline of my own free will and I give thanks for the strength to act in alignment with my Self which is calling me forward into greater expression of my inner divinity, I now trade my inner enemy for my inner Divinity

Thank you, it is done


Akosua's Books



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