Living in harmony takes accountability

Is there harmony in what you say and what you do? Mama Bello 

I was scrolling Social Media - as I do these days! And I came across a reel that talked about when we do not fully commit in all areas - words, actions and thoughts, we will remain in the same position or our growth will stagnate. 

I immediately started to think about the times I tell myself that I want or don't want something and I act the total opposite. 

I thought about how much I tell people I will do something and I really don't feel it or I know will not act upon it.

It's the little things that add up and are out of alignment that keeps up on a trajectory of one step forward and two steps back.

What we think about, talk about and act must, according to Mama Bello, be in harmony.

I have started practicing this with the small things - self talk when I decide to do a task. what am I telling myself, what am I telling others, how am I acting?

I am noticing a higher level of self trust when I am aligned.

I have been noticing that I am no longer wanting to prove anything, just to keep myself authentic by keeping the promises that I have made to myself.

Living in harmony takes accountability 

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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