
Showing posts from May, 2021

You Can Have it, But Don't Be It

  your follower count does not define you. your occupation does not define you. your net worth does not define you. Mitchell Clark When you have "IT" whatever "IT" is, you can acknowledge it and let it go. If you ARE it, you can change it. - yuh dig? In this world it is taught to us that you are what you have and who you are. You are this - rich, poor, alcoholic, teacher, lawyer, activist - this is how you are defined, but there are different states of being, the states of being come and go. It is not absolutely immutable. Look out, see what is, maybe understand why it is that way but do not ever feel trapped by it. Give yourself the room to know that things can change at any time, everything is temporary Do not feel that "IT" is bigger than you. Whatever drama you created, and the beautiful thing is whatever you create, you have the power to make another choice. Peace

It's Question Time During Meditation

  "I have no fear in seeing myself, knowing myself and seeing myself" Good Morning World Question time during meditation  Am I doing my best? Am I doing the best that I can? What would my best look like physically? Am I doing my best financially? Am I doing my best spiritually? What would my best look like? Peace Order Akosua's latest book Now What? The Flipside Order Now What? The Flipside on Kindle and Amazon Order Now What from Barnes and Noble Order Now What? The Flipside

Fear and comparison will have you manifesting things you really don't even want

  Fear and comparison will have you manifesting things you really don't even want - Turtle brezee Manifestation, I have learnt is the creation of circumstances in your life from your thoughts. It starts with your thinking. Thoughts, words and action must be in alignment for the manifestation of your desires to become a reality. It matters not whether your thoughts words and actions are forward thinking, positive, full of fear, full of doubt, full of love. That is the law. That is how important your thoughts and words are - the actions follow on from your thoughts. Watch your life to see what you are manifesting based on what you are thinking Fear can manifest through your fearful thoughts. Doubt can manifest through your doubtful thoughts. Comparison with others can manifest so many unhealthy feelings and actions. Abundance can manifest through abundant thoughts. Many of us are afraid to think big thoughts, successful thoughts to dream big, in the fear that what we desire will not...

Letting Go is Not Passive

  A common fear is that letting go might make you passive. We are often so driven by our pain and fear that it is hard to conceive of any other way of existing. The reality is that letting go will not make you dull, and it certainly will not turn you into a pushover, what it does do is reconfigure your mind so that you are no longer carrying the heavy weight of the past into the present . Yung Pueblo Keeping something/someone in my mind that we believed hurt us, did us wrong, misunderstood us  and rehashing it over and over again has been a pattern and habit of mine for a long time. I even made up stories about how a situation was supposed to go after it had long past.  Have you found yourself doing that at all? (Don't judge me if you haven't?)  I found myself going through a mental - what could have been? Formulating what I would say "the next time I lay eyes on that sucker!" All of those actions became not only futile, but harmful to me- body, mind and soul. H...

Pay Attention - There is More Happening Here

  Focus on why it bothers you, not what they said. It’s not that triggers are bad, they actually give us an opportunity to observe and reflect, which enables us to heal. Healing happens when you're triggered and you're able to break an old pattern, and start a new habit. The Oracle Reads You Life, I have learnt, is so accommodating to us, even when our lives seems so absolutely crazy and disjointed. Why? Life is always giving us nudges, clues, guidance and most of all love. The trick is to pay attention and surrender. Pay attention to your own life, your own guidance. It is very easy to get caught up in what others are saying, telling you, want you to do. When we do that we miss our own Divine Guidance. When we resist the signs, the lessons take longer to be learnt and life will keep at it until we pay attention. Every single hurt, every mistake, every setback, every tear is a tool. They provide us with information and guidance. It really is up to us to decide how much time, a...

Learn How to Be Still

  Learn How to Be Still - Rev. Deborah L Johnson Learning how to be still has been in a lesson in more than just patience, but also of trusting myself and trusting the process. Learning how to be still came with the bonus of learning how to surrender. Surrender does not mean giving up, it means knowing that whatever happens that I will be ok. When we have asked the Universe for what we desire, when we have prayed, when we have declared it to be so,- Get still. What  I would do before learning this lesson is fuss, worry, continue to look for signs and get involved in things that are not my business. These actions were not only stressful, lacked faith and trust of the process, they delayed manifestation. Get still through patience, through meditation, through affirmation, through mama beads, through loving yourself, through rest. Get still and get out of the way. There is nothing more to do after you have given the task to the Most High Peace

What Do You Do In the Pause?

  That moment of pause, without judgement, is a game changer. Lee Ann Rimes There is a moment between when we think the thought and action the thought that came to us. There is a moment between when we think and when we speak. There is a moment when we get still before we take off. This is what I call "The Pause" The Pause has all types of messages, knowledge and guidance. The Pause allows a breath to be taken. How many times have I done something and then think - why on earth did I do that? The pause allows us to eliminate that question from our vocabulary. For me, it is usually when I am not mindful or paying attention that I react before pausing. It can also be when I am in people pleasing mode, in fear mode, in judgement mode. Take a breath - the breath is a pause. The breath leads you to your inner guidance. your inner guidance then leads you to an action or inaction which is for your learning or your growth or both. Breathe before you move.. this is the pause. Ask your...

You are the Co-Creator of Your Experiences

  Creation  starts with "what words will I choose" Carolyn Myss We are always creating. Creation starts with our thoughts and flows into our words. What we think and say forms part of the life we create. It really is that simple. Have you ever been in a situation where  something happens and the first question asked to you or you ask to someone else  "what were you thinking?" Creation starts with self knowledge and self awareness. Our choice to know ourselves, our decision to use what we have been given to create the life we want. Our mindfulness in being aware of what we are thinking, doing and saying all supports the creation of the lives that we live.  It takes practice to become self aware, to become mindful, to choose our words and responses.  There are some words I have been practicing for years to  eliminate from my vocabulary, words like "but, try, blame and entitled" Those words I have learnt drain my power. When someone shares guidance and I...

What Are You Basing your worthiness on?

  still equating achievement with worthiness? Sheri Salata What did I learn today? You can’t patch your Soul’s truth together with only workshops & a wardrobe, & identity choices. You’ll likely spend half of your life focusing on that. Composing. Polishing. Packaging. Facing outward, even though it’s all inward. Eventually, you’ll stop looking out there — stop in your tracks, or come to a slow grinding halt. In the middle of the noise & the obligations it will dawn on you (maybe right now) that the real you emerges. The real you emerges. Because it’s already there — beneath beliefs, & untruths, &  fatigue, & stories you made up & stories you inherited &  wonderful experiments . The real you emerges. When you are courageous enough to be still. When you act on your inclinations. Your intuition. Your divine guidance. When you Put your preferences on the altar of your life & say, “THIS. THIS is what compels me The real you emerges From lif...

Love Yourself Through It

  This is all temporary, love yourself through it - Lalah Delia Life is such a blessing, a teacher and a guide, all rolled up into one.  I marvel at how much we have the answers we seek within if we would only be still enough to hear and then courageous enough to believe. Life guides us through the ups and the down's once we are present and paying attention. Many of us run from discomfort, we hide from it through distractions and making up stories. In my case I believed that pain was some type of punishment. What I have learnt is that pain is the flipside of joy. There are lessons and blessings on that journey as well. The lesson is to stay present,  to be focused , to stop making up stories or punishing oneself. Once I accepted that I am being guided, I was able to make better decisions. Acceptance does mean liking it, it simply meant acknowledging that the situation showed up shown up in my life. Starting there gives me a grounding, then remembering that it is all temp...

What's Working for You?

What's working for You? What's Not Working for You? Iyanla Vazant Iyanla Vanzant talks about asking yourself what is working and what is not working in your life and keep it simple. Rather than going through the drama, the confusion, overthinking, making up stories and resentment. This works particularly well when dealing with other people and what is happening in our lives. Simply get still and ask what is working and what is not working. From that space when we detach and put our responses down on paper get clearer on how we move forward. So I asked myself today: What's Working for me? Here are the top ten: 1. What is working for me is living in the moment, rather than making up stories about the future. 2. What's working for me is being open and true to how I feel. 3. What is working for me is eating more fruits and vegetables daily and slowly making better choices about what I put into my body. 4. What is working for me is minding my business and sating in my lane....

Life is in Session

My friends Hope that all is well, its been a hot minute! This may have been the longest that I have even gone without checking in. Life has been happening, Death has been happening. And I have been there for all of it. The feelings associated with these past few days have been varied and intense Grief. Joy. Love. Compassion. Anxiety Reminding me that life includes them all, there is always a flipside.  We have joy and sorrow, fun and seriousness Our challenge is to feel them all and know they are temporary guides. Somehow we look to run from the flipside, we think if we do all the right things that we can escape these so called uncomfortable feelings and pain. Newsflash - not very likely. Life is in session. Feelings and all It feels good to be back chatting with you, sharing lessons on the Journey Peace