You are the Co-Creator of Your Experiences

 Creation  starts with "what words will I choose" Carolyn Myss

We are always creating. Creation starts with our thoughts and flows into our words.

What we think and say forms part of the life we create. It really is that simple.

Have you ever been in a situation where  something happens and the first question asked to you or you ask to someone else  "what were you thinking?"

Creation starts with self knowledge and self awareness. Our choice to know ourselves, our decision to use what we have been given to create the life we want. Our mindfulness in being aware of what we are thinking, doing and saying all supports the creation of the lives that we live. 

It takes practice to become self aware, to become mindful, to choose our words and responses. 

There are some words I have been practicing for years to  eliminate from my vocabulary, words like "but, try, blame and entitled"

Those words I have learnt drain my power.

When someone shares guidance and I start with a "but" I check myself It is usually the start of the justification of why I cannot or will not follow the guidance.

Using the word "trying" often is often me adding in a hidden disclaimer that it may or may not happen. At least I tried. Rather than, let me just do my best.

What Did I Learn?

Pay attention to the thoughts you are carrying around.

Be mindful of the words that you speak - especially about yourself. Many times we unconsciously put spells on ourselves. We place ourselves in a box or put limits to live down to.

Become aware of what you are creating with your responses to those around you.

Ask yourself - what words am I using that prevents me from moving forward and seeing this situation differently.


Now What? The Flipside – Available Now on Kindle and Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Balboa Press

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