What's Working for You?

What's working for You? What's Not Working for You? Iyanla Vazant

Iyanla Vanzant talks about asking yourself what is working and what is not working in your life and keep it simple. Rather than going through the drama, the confusion, overthinking, making up stories and resentment. This works particularly well when dealing with other people and what is happening in our lives. Simply get still and ask what is working and what is not working. From that space when we detach and put our responses down on paper get clearer on how we move forward.
So I asked myself today:

What's Working for me?
Here are the top ten:

1. What is working for me is living in the moment, rather than making up stories about the future.

2. What's working for me is being open and true to how I feel.

3. What is working for me is eating more fruits and vegetables daily and slowly making better choices about what I put into my body.

4. What is working for me is minding my business and sating in my lane.

5. What's working for me is making time to meditate and exercise consistently.

6. What's working for me is speaking up rather than complaining and being passive aggressive.

7.  What's working for me is being myself in every situation.

8. What's working for me is going to therapy.

9. What's working for me is purposefully letting go of judgement.

10. What's working for me is intentionally saying yes to activities that push me out of my comfort zone.




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