Learn How to Be Still

 Learn How to Be Still - Rev. Deborah L Johnson

Learning how to be still has been in a lesson in more than just patience, but also of trusting myself and trusting the process.

Learning how to be still came with the bonus of learning how to surrender. Surrender does not mean giving up, it means knowing that whatever happens that I will be ok.

When we have asked the Universe for what we desire, when we have prayed, when we have declared it to be so,- Get still.

What  I would do before learning this lesson is fuss, worry, continue to look for signs and get involved in things that are not my business. These actions were not only stressful, lacked faith and trust of the process, they delayed manifestation.

Get still through patience, through meditation, through affirmation, through mama beads, through loving yourself, through rest. Get still and get out of the way.

There is nothing more to do after you have given the task to the Most High



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