What was may never be again

Collectively, we are still attached to what was even though it will never be again. Today I want to share a blog post from Alicia Rodriguez, someone I met in Ecuador a few years back. Her wisdom is on point We are all experiencing "existential angst" if you will. Our lives and everything we have ever believed is called into question every day. The ground on which we have stood is now moving and even has disappeared. This goes beyond resilience, much deeper. There is a deep and subtle loneliness within that comes from how disconnected we have become; disconnected from others, from the way our lives were and from ourselves. Collectively, we are still attached to what was even though it will never be again. People who are in power are taking such desperate measures to retain that power so they can continue to thrive personally at the expense of the earth, future generations, and their fellow human beings. Organizations still do not empower women and diverse populatio...