When I allow Flow I experience Sufficiency.

 I identify the blocks to Flow of money, chi and love.

When I hoard, eat poorly, don't move my body, don't clear clutter, don't manage my money, hold resentments, judgments and anger I am blocked. Today I remove the blocks and allow Flow

When I allow Flow I experience Sufficiency. 

Flow denotes to me that there is no blockage in how things are. Living in the flow is not allowing external activities and negative thoughts get in the way of how we live our lives.
It is living without resistance and without denial.
We block our flow when we resist what life is reflecting to us.
We block our flow when we deny the truth.
Flow is grace.
Flow is sufficiency.
Flow is abundance.
Flow is a mindset.
Have you seen when flowing water get's stagnant? It collects moss, dirt, debris, it starts to smell. This is how our lives become when we do not live in the flow.
What are you doing as a ritual that allows flow?
Do you meditate? 
Do you laugh?
Do you connect with what you love?
Do you share?
What are you doing to allow your life to flow?



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