Step Out

 What's currently thought of as safety is really hiding from any influence other than that which is predictable. Predictable feels safe because it's familiar, but the actual core of life denies familiarity. Life's an adventure into the unfamiliar... If you want to grow, your priority cannot be to feel safe.  Guru Singh

Humans love certainly, control, comfort and predictability. I am human, so trust me I know, I also love those qualities as well.

The paradox is that life is not filled with many guarantees. Life is filled with twists, turns, surprises, uncertainly and unpredictability. When we get attached to having a level of certainty and knowing - outside of ourselves, we want proof, to see it, to feel it, to touch it.

It starts within. The external reflects the internal and so if we continue to look outside of ourselves for everything we will continue to remain in a state of looking, of wanting certainty and guarantees.

There is something called inner knowing and clarity- it cannot be seen, touched, explained and justified. However we humans ignore it to find knowing and certainty outside of us. It becomes a cycle of a never ending search resulting in frustration.

What I have learnt is, wanting certainty and safety all the time is a sign of control and fear. There are some things that will just remain a mystery, our responsibility is to trust, have faith and listen to the inner guidance and step out in courage knowing that we have what it takes to navigate the situation in front of us.

Step out.



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