Take the Next Simple Step

 The greatest killers of success are: overthinking/over analyzing /over complicating, procrastination, perfectionism and needing the approval of others. So the cure all is: take action NOW based on your gut (even if you aren't 100% clear). Do it messy. Do it afraid. Do it imperfectly. Take the next simple step. Start now, where you are with what you have. Don't live your life for the approval of others, Mastin Kipp

One of the most important lessons I have learnt is to - Just Start! I wrestled with this bit of guidance for a very long time. I wanted it to "be done right" I did not want anyone to ask me questions and I did not have the answers. I wanted to be seen as organized, polished and together. What I  learnt was that many of these wants and feelings were fueled by fear rather than me having an open mind towards learning and growing.

Massive Action became my new mantra- I would commit to myself to take baby steps, to move and be open to feedback and learning as I go. My other mantra was- Mistakes make Masters. I gave myself permission to make mistakes with empathy and compassion - I stopped beating up on myself and accepted that I will not, and cannot know everything - I mean how boring would life be if I did know everything!

As I walk on this journey, I am reminded of these lessons, I am reminded to keep it simple, keep it kind and keep it moving

Life will give us all the guidance, it really is up to us to have the courage and the curiosity to trust the process.




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