There’s a difference between wanting something and being ready for it.

There’s a difference between wanting something and being ready for it . Ebonee Davis There was a particular book that I was searching for on the bookshelf, as I was going through the shelf, a small red and black notebook fell out and onto the ground. When I saw it, I screamed out, this must be a sign and had me a good chuckle. This was a red and black notebook that I kept right after leaving University. I would write in it when I rode the London Underground from work in Soho Square to the hairdresser in Tooting. Anything I found inspirational I would jot down the contents and read it hoping that one day I would live a life that will inspire myself. Seeing the book brought me to the present moment - I felt proud, I do inspire myself- I admit that I am not perfect, make poor choices, stupid ones even, I fall down. I still felt proud because back then I did not believe that I would inspire myself to achieve the goals I set out for myself, and live a full life. I am doing ...