What do you think your power of choice is dependent on?


What do you think your power of choice is dependent on? Carolyn Myss 

Over the past few months, I have been reading about how we see ourselves in the world.  Many of us have been taught that power comes from what we have, what we earn, where we live and who we know, what relationships we have and hold. All of which are external and fleeting. There is a line in Bob Marley's song "don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" which comes to mind. We look towards gaining so much that is outside of ourselves that we lose ourselves.

Today, we can live one place, and tomorrow its gone.  Today we can have a particular job, tomorrow its gone- does that mean that we have lost power to live, to choose, to move forward? For women in particular, there is a belief that our status and power comes from attracting the right partner, keeping them for a ling time and getting married.

Our power comes from within. There is a level of confidence, guidance and peace that can only come from inside of us. When we can consistently believe and tap into that innate power we will look towards the externals as icing on the cake.

Why do we choose to stay in situations that we know are unhealthy? Many times we forget, ignore, don't know that there is something inside of us, call it what you wish, that guides us. There is a part of us which can pull or even push out of where we are. It starts with you, making that choice.

If we are looking at love, is there only one way or source of love? 

Is there one job, or source of income?

Is there one place to live?

When we believe that we cannot move, change, shift, because of fear of the unknown we have given away or forgotten the power within us.

Some of us don't even know that our power resides with us exists. We look for guarantees, certainty, logic, an example,. Does it make sense? Innate power  never speaks loud, makes logical sense or asks for permission. This is where trust and faith comes in.

Take your power back.

Go within.


Akosua's Books

Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?

Now What? The Flipside

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love


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