Mind your Mind

 “Not the world, not what’s outside of us, but what we hold inside traps us. We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.” ― Gabor Maté

Confessions on the Journey - One of the most challenging exercises for me this year has been my thoughts. What do I mean by "my thoughts" I have been having difficulty letting go of thoughts that no longer serve me, holding on to them going scenarios over and over in my head. Giving life to what should have happened rather than accepting what is.

Its Byron Katie who said - when we argue with reality we suffer. I have been suffering

I have been making up stories in my head 

Now, trust me, this is a trap. I have now been learning the lessons on how to pay attention and mind my mind.

We cannot go back in time, change the past or control what has gone, what we can do is respond to what is in front of us. Living in the past is keeping no room for what is to be. 

Noticing my thoughts has now become an exciting adventure

I catch myself going over the negative thought and I have start making up comments - it is become quite amusing

"There you are again thought- oh here you are!"

"Whoops there is goes"

" Bless you ole thought"

By the time I am done saying that, it takes me off course and I start a whole other conversation with myself- it's quite a funny adventure actually.

Pattern interrupt I call it.

A thought when given attention can become a thing, some of the thoughts we carry around are so unconscious we don't realize what we are creating.

With the pattern interrupt, I also add meditation, prayer and journaling.

It takes a conscious effort to mind your mind, but let me tell you, it really is worth it.


Akosua's Books

Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?

Now What? The Flipside

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love


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