The Flipside of Avoidance

 You will avoid negative things that threaten your identity like failure, loss, and rejection. But you will also avoid positive things that threaten your identity—even things like success, love, and happiness. Marc Manson

Avoiding the bad, the negative, the reality of what is in front of us does not make it go away. This is a lesson that I can say that I have learnt over the years.

Confessions on the journey - I want always to be in my happy feely space, I want little or no disruptions to my existence- well I can tell you without a doubt that life does not work this way. Life delights in surprises and unexpected twists and turns to teach us, to guide us, to protect us. Free will means, we have to pay attention to the signs and to be obedient to the nudges. I  would beat up myself when things are going off course because my underlying beliefs have been if I was "good" and "right" nothing "bad" should happen to me! This thinking s for the birds! Life happens and we have the tools and guidance available to us, we have the signs. It is up to us to take heed.

Life loves me is a mantra I use- especially in 2023. Life loves me enough to give me a heads up, to send the people to course correct, to reflect back to me situations I need to pay attention to, to learn the lessons.

Life wants us to be present, in the moment, to pay attention, to choose. Life prefers if there is no avoidance.

Experiment with facing what is in front of you for this week, knowing that its a guide, its a sign post, a lesson.

Akosua's Books



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