
Showing posts from March, 2024

What Does the Voice of Fear in your head Sound Like?

How many of us could live in our audacity? How many Black women live with gall? Karen M Rose   I have been reading up on the connection between our health, the thoughts we think and how we live. One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is how fear and anger that has not been expressed finds its way into our bodies and turns into ailments, dis-ease and allergies.  One of the biggest illusions that keep up stuck is fear. If your fear could talk, if your fear had a voice what would it say to you? How would it sound?  It is absolutely essential that we know what our fear sounds like, what our fear tells us.  When fear starts talking ,we can identify the sounds, the words, the phrases  and take the required action rather than listen to it and remain paralyzed. My fear says to me:- 1.You cannot do that! 2. People will laugh at you, talk about you and call you names. 3. You are a fraud. 4. What if you fail? 5. Stay quiet, say nothing, you have nothing to say that...

Choose Well - You become a reflection of your consistent actions

What you do consistently comes to be characteristic of you. Not what you think, feel or even fear, but what you choose. Briana Weist Consistency is a quality that  I consistently work on (pardon the pun) With some self reflection, I realized that I needed consistency growing up in an inconsistent environment which included moving multiple times. Feeling safe around people is also important for me, when those close to me are consistent in their words and deeds.  As an adult, I have made it a point to live a life of consistency and discipline - I feel safe, I feel in control, I feel comfortable. The challenge, as with everything, is when what we do is out of balance and out of alignment. When there is little or no consistency in my life, from people around me - it triggers me (confessions on the Journey). What I have learnt is when I recognize the triggers, there is a choice in how I respond.  I must pause and ask  am I safe? Am I acting out from my childhood wounds? ...

Sometimes...We Betray Ourselves

Signs you might be in a pattern of self-betrayal include saying “yes” when you want to say “no,” self-sabotaging, ignoring basic needs and self-care, lying to yourself, not taking accountability for your actions, and pretending to be something other than your authentic self.  Dr Megan Johnson How many of you can relate to this? - A feeling appears deep within our bodies, our gut, that knowing and it is either not making logical sense, it is hard to act on it, making that decision will lead to a drastic change in our lives - and we convince ourselves to ignore, dismiss, deny, justify not taking it seriously. Then one day life puts you in a situation where you cannot ignore the feeling, the change, the decision to be made. It becomes a jolt, maybe even an "emergency" and we say to ourselves" I just knew" or "something told me"  This, I have learnt, is ignoring, denying, dismissing and justifying not acting on that guidance is us betraying ourselves. The less...

Your Life Gives You Feedback

  Your life is the feedback that lets you know what you are thinking and feeling - Iyanla Vanzant  Hello lovies I wanted to share a piece that I read from Lisa Olivera that resonated with me. I have felt myself emerging from something - what? I am not sure - reading this piece allowed me to not only recognise that there are others feeling a similar type of way, but it is okay to feel the feelings and go through the process. I hope that something jumps out at you as well Happy Reading Not all parts of you will be ready to emerge at once. Some parts of you need to stay tucked away for awhile, cozy and waiting until it’s their time. You don’t need to rush the parts of you who aren’t there yet. The parts of you who are ready can usher the rest of you outward when the time comes… and it will come. Being fully seen by others might bring rejection. They might leave. Your core fears might come true. Yet what resides within you is a depth of okayness that no one can take from you, whe...

Don't Let Doubt Fool You

 You don’t remove self-doubt. You learn to act despite it . Mark Manson Over the past few days I have taken the time to look squarely in the face of all the doubts that I have been walking around with.  There are times when doubt comes up. When its a new task, when we want to do the task well, when we believe that we have much riding on it, where we don't want to fail. And on the flip side when we feel unworthy it comes up even more. I have learnt that that to not let doubt fool you, to use it as a tool, to act on it and learn as you go. I am learning to act despite the doubt with: 1. Speaking in public 2. Being vulnerable 3. Asking for what I want. 4. Having hard conversations 5. Giving up the need to be liked.  Doubt thrives by making up worse case scenarios. When we ask ourselves "what is the worst that can happen?" and "what am I denying myself of?" we can start taking action. Peace and Blessings Akosua

March on to Self Worth

  We all want to project something to the world, but if we're not happy within ourselves we’ll just create short and hurt people along the way because we can’t share happiness, just the dissatisfaction within ourselves Sadguru Worthiness is not earned, proven, bought or bargained - you were born worthy. Simply, you just are. Worthiness reflects in your life the moment you recognize and believe that you are born worthy. When we believe that we are worthy, we behave that way - we become mindful of what we do and how we be. We release the defensiveness, we set boundaries and allow others to live their own lives minus judgements. Achievements build self confidence, not self worth. You cannot outperform your self worth. You can achieve worldly and material success, however if you do  not believe that you are worthy, there will always be an unhealthy striving for more at the expense of your health, your relationships, your peace of mind Self worth is the foundation. ...