Choose Well - You become a reflection of your consistent actions

What you do consistently comes to be characteristic of you. Not what you think, feel or even fear, but what you choose. Briana Weist

Consistency is a quality that  I consistently work on (pardon the pun)

With some self reflection, I realized that I needed consistency growing up in an inconsistent environment which included moving multiple times. Feeling safe around people is also important for me, when those close to me are consistent in their words and deeds. 

As an adult, I have made it a point to live a life of consistency and discipline - I feel safe, I feel in control, I feel comfortable. The challenge, as with everything, is when what we do is out of balance and out of alignment.

When there is little or no consistency in my life, from people around me - it triggers me (confessions on the Journey). What I have learnt is when I recognize the triggers, there is a choice in how I respond.  I must pause and ask  am I safe?

Am I acting out from my childhood wounds?

What is the choice that I am making in the moment when I am triggered?

What does the person's actions say in the moment and generally?

I have linked consistency to trust - when you consistently do what you say you will - it builds trust

When you consistently make promises you cannot keep it destroys trust

Trust is an essential element in the growth and development of a relationship, even the trust of Self!

The balance comes when we can recognize that we are safe,   we can respond to the actions around us, we can make a self affirming choice. When we recognize that we are not in harm's way, we can trust my intuition more and more by paying attention and making choices that are FOR us. People's actions says everything about them- consciously and unconsciously . We become what we practice daily, we become a sum total of our consistent choices.

Choose well

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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