What Does the Voice of Fear in your head Sound Like?

How many of us could live in our audacity? How many Black women live with gall? Karen M Rose 

 I have been reading up on the connection between our health, the thoughts we think and how we live. One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is how fear and anger that has not been expressed finds its way into our bodies and turns into ailments, dis-ease and allergies. 

One of the biggest illusions that keep up stuck is fear.

If your fear could talk, if your fear had a voice what would it say to you? How would it sound? 

It is absolutely essential that we know what our fear sounds like, what our fear tells us.  When fear starts talking ,we can identify the sounds, the words, the phrases  and take the required action rather than listen to it and remain paralyzed.

My fear says to me:-

1.You cannot do that!

2. People will laugh at you, talk about you and call you names.

3. You are a fraud.

4. What if you fail?

5. Stay quiet, say nothing, you have nothing to say that can add to this.

6. How dare you?

7. Who are you?

8. They will not like or accept you.

9. Hush

10. Nah not now

I now recognize the voice, so I can pause, and respond to it accordingly rather than freeze,  hide, shrink or disappear and God forbid listen to it for the basis of the decisions that I make. I can make decisions rather than from fear, from a place of confidence and love.

If we live our entire lives based on fear and what if's, it manifests itself in not only our experiences but also our health.

get to know where your seat of decisions hit

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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