March on to Self Worth


We all want to project something to the world, but if we're not happy within ourselves we’ll just create short and hurt people along the way because we can’t share happiness, just the dissatisfaction within ourselves Sadguru

Worthiness is not earned, proven, bought or bargained - you were born worthy. Simply, you just are.

Worthiness reflects in your life the moment you recognize and believe that you are born worthy.

When we believe that we are worthy, we behave that way - we become mindful of what we do and how we be. We release the defensiveness, we set boundaries and allow others to live their own lives minus judgements.

Achievements build self confidence, not self worth. You cannot outperform your self worth. You can achieve worldly and material success, however if you do  not believe that you are worthy, there will always be an unhealthy striving for more at the expense of your health, your relationships, your peace of mind

Self worth is the foundation.

According to ACIM,  when we are guided by the ego, we pursue happiness by trying to control external events. We seek money, material things, and special relationships in order to fill a presumed lack, yet this search is an impossible quest because we are striving for happiness that cannot be found in the external world. We won’t solve our human predicament by controlling the world. The problem lies at another level 

As you journey through March, ask yourself - do I believe in my  inherent worth? or do I want to be considered special?

Focus on believing that you are worthy and valuable rather than wanting to be special. Special denotes separation, comparing and judgement of self and others. Worth is knowing God lives and walks in you and with you, that there is a power within available to you at all times. Special is comparing yourself to others. Worth and Value is bringing your gifts and talents to the world and serving a bigger purpose, you do not have to prove to anyone that you are worthy and valuable.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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