Sometimes...We Betray Ourselves

Signs you might be in a pattern of self-betrayal include saying “yes” when you want to say “no,” self-sabotaging, ignoring basic needs and self-care, lying to yourself, not taking accountability for your actions, and pretending to be something other than your authentic self.  Dr Megan Johnson

How many of you can relate to this? - A feeling appears deep within our bodies, our gut, that knowing and it is either not making logical sense, it is hard to act on it, making that decision will lead to a drastic change in our lives - and we convince ourselves to ignore, dismiss, deny, justify not taking it seriously.

Then one day life puts you in a situation where you cannot ignore the feeling, the change, the decision to be made. It becomes a jolt, maybe even an "emergency" and we say to ourselves" I just knew" or "something told me" 

This, I have learnt, is ignoring, denying, dismissing and justifying not acting on that guidance is us betraying ourselves. The lesson will repeat itself until we pay attention.

Our lives continue to speak to us, we have free will whether to listen, to pay attention or to ignore. When we ignore the situation comes back around

Different job but same time of co-workers, stress and strain

Different relationship but same challenges

Different city or town but same feeling of isolation

The common thread is us and how we pay attention to all the signs that life continues to give us.

As the ACIM reminds us - "all things are lessons that God would have us learn"

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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